May 1, 2018
Contact: Jason Tengco, NaFFAA Executive Director
Tel. (202) 803-1353
NaFFAA Celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Washington, DC – This and every May, the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) is proud to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, a month that honors the culture, traditions, and history of AAPIs in the United States.
AAPIs, including the strong and vibrant Filipino American community, play an integral role in shaping America. And this role only grows in modern times, with our communities dotting the American landscape from coast to coast. AAPIs protect this nation through military service and sacrifice, cultivate the minds of future generations as proud educators, and influence public policy as an emerging cadre of civic leaders. As NaFFAA joins our AAPI family this month in commemorating our consequential and indelible history, we recognize that our greatest role is to help lay the foundation for a strong and united future.
“AAPI Heritage Month is a pivotal time for us to gather as one community: to shine a light on our shared histories, to lift up our community’s heroes, and to celebrate our proud traditions. But we deeply believe that our collective past—our progress and setbacks, our triumphs and defeats—is best understood as a roadmap to a future of increased empowerment, representation, and influence,” says Brendan Flores, NaFFAA National Chairman. “NaFFAA is doing our part to fortify this future through our commitment to leadership development, civic engagement, and advocacy. This commitment to the future only ensures that our chapters of the AAPI story will continue to be written.”
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About NaFFAA
The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Established in 1997, NaFFAA has been the standard bearer for promoting the welfare and well-being of the 4 million Filipinos and Filipino Americans throughout the United States. NaFFAA’s vision is to serve as the voice of all Filipinos and Filipino Americans by uniting, engaging, and empowering diverse individuals and community organizations through leadership development, civic engagement, and national advocacy.