Introducing the Emcees of the PhilFest 2023

Come to PhilFest 2023 and watch your favorite Emcees, Emil Inducil Cruz and Joey Horstman Omila, introduce all the guests performers this year.


Emil, as he is known to many, is a native of Manila, Philippines, and the owner of home healthcare CARESOURCE Direct, together with his wife, Lorma. He is also the sole owner of EM-C Production and Events and Entertainment. Emil is a permanent member of the Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. (PCFI) board. Emceeing has been Emil’s passion since he started producing Filipino shows in Florida. His appeal to the “madlang people” is magnetic. He is fun and witty. He joined PhilFest per Joey Omila’s invitation. His exposure at PhilFest has made him one of the most in-demand emcees at festivals, and Filipino shows he co-produces all over Florida and other states.


Joey, on the other hand, is of German-Filipino descent. He was born in Bugasan, Cotabato in Mindanao, Philippines. His mother is German-Filipino, and his father is a Malay Filipino. He speaks Cebuano, Ilongo, English, and German. He is an artist with a bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. He is the Executive Director and former choreographer, costume and props designer of the Philippine Performing Arts Dance Company, the former Director of Cultural Affairs of PCFI, a former Bayanihan dancer, and a professional emcee and Karilagan model. He came to Tampa from Europe in 1986 and is one of the founders of PCFI. Joey has been emcee PhilFest since its birth and founding 27 years ago.

They are the life of the PhilFest. They take turns emceeing and introducing all the fabulous guest performers for all three days of the festival. Emil is known for his fun games and giveaways, while Joey is known to share all his knowledge about Philippine culture and history. Combine the two, and you have an explosion of fabulous talents at PhilFest that you don’t want to miss.

Photos by: Nhick Ramiro-Pacis