Moderator: Eric Salcedo, Field Director, APIA Vote
Panelists: Ivy Daulo, Partnerships Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau
Stewart Kwoh, Executive Director, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles
Ditas Katague, Director, California Complete Count
Encompassing the NEC theme, Make It Count: Transforming Mindsets for 2020 and Beyond, the lunch plenary will give an overview of the importance of the 2020 Census, stressing why it’s important for Filipinos to participate. The plenary will give an overview of U.S. Census data statistics and explain the missions of the presenter’s organizations.
Event Timeslots (1)
Friday, August 16 – Civic Engagement
Panelists: Ivy Daulo (US Census Bureau), Stewart Kwoh (Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles), Ditas Katague (California Complete Count)