Angelo Dalmacio
Communications Director / 202-803-1353
NaFFAA Applauds Past Sponsors for Efforts Supporting Black Lives
Washington, D.C. (July 23, 2020) – The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) reiterates and reaffirms its support for the movement for black lives. NaFFAA also commends past corporate and non-profit sponsors for their efforts to denounce anti-black sentiments and violence, and their renewed commitment to actions and policies that expand inclusivity and diversity.
“We have endured several weeks of upheaval and renewal in the aftermath of the appalling death of George Floyd,” says NaFFAA National Chairman Brendan Flores. “While we still mourn for Mr. Floyd, his loss has sparked a worldwide reexamination of values that has caused individuals, corporations, and non-profit organizations to make a conscious effort to reaffirm or realign their values.”
Past NaFFAA sponsors, including Comcast NBCUniversal, Verizon, AT&T, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and AARP have issued positive statements and committed to concrete actions that combat anti-blackness and racial resentment. Comcast NBCUniversal has pledged $100 million towards a “comprehensive multi-year plan to fight injustice and inequality.” Bank of America has committed $1 billion to fight racial inequality. The billion-dollar program will focus on health, jobs, small business lending, and housing. Among the other initiatives Bank of America is considering for the program is financing prisoner re-entry projects, criminal justice reform initiatives, and job training programs. Verizon hosted several online conversations on race and created a race and social justice action toolkit to provide resources and a foundation for one’s education and improvement. AT&T Chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson voiced a call to action, “This is America’s moment to seize the opportunity for change, and business leaders cannot sit this one out.”
“I am exceedingly proud that NaFFAA has partnered with responsible and forward-thinking companies and organizations who have taken a strong stand against racial injustice and discrimination, says Flores. “Racism has a corrosive effect on the soul of our nation. Just as we rightfully condemned anti-Asian discrimination in light of COVID-19, we can and we must speak up when our fellow communities of color, especially our Black brothers and sisters, are subject to hateful rhetoric and unnecessary violence. I’ll finish with this: we cannot credibly claim that all lives have value if we do not emphatically proclaim that black lives matter.”